Catrysa's Journal (An In Character Journal)

The journal of Catrysa Trakand. This is meant to be an In Character journal for the High Fantasy Society - Kingdom of Silver Spire. Most likely, you have connected to this journal from the House Trakand website. You may return to that site here.

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Location: McAllen, Texas, United States

I'm a mother, a student, a friend, and a teacher. I find beauty in many things: art, music, math, prose, philosophy.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Letters from a Friend

Date: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:51 am
Subject: Penned

The weary barroness sat at her desk late at night with the candle
dripping slowly beside her. The frangrance of white roses surrounded
her as they did her room. The light flicker a tad. She rose her
hand over the gem to her left. Instantly one of her many servants
appeared out of nowhere. "Yes, please prepare my bed as I will need
my rest after I'm done here and send for a messenger after you have
completed your task." It seemed that the little things still took a
lot out of her and she knew that the travel she had done had not been
kind to her health. Death can do that to a person.

Anyway, the deed at hand. She picked up the pen and delicately began
the dance onto the parchment.

"To the Lady of House Trakand:

I have meant to write to you sooner but alas, I tend to feel a
little weak these days. First business I would like to address is my
thanks to you for returning me to my husband and quite honestly
helping return to the living. Death is never becoming to anyone but
from my understanding, you made it a more bearable experience.

I would also like to extend some gratitude to some of the other
members of your household. I recently made a trip with my husband up
to the City-State of Drandmir, my old residence to see the knighting
of our dear friend Kelsar. My health still hasn't been completely
returned to me. Keject who I believe is a member of your household
never let it pass his attention to make sure I was more comfortable.
And Cairun kept me in stitches with laughter and laughter sometimes
can be the best medicine. Therefore I would like to extend this
appreciation for everything your household has done for me although I
truly do not think words could be enough.

In your service,
Baroness Anastacia Lightlock
House Hollowfist

Stacia hand barely was able to move the pen away before just dropping
completely. She felt like she really had no control. The messenger
appeared in the doorway. The servant girl came to Baroness
Lightlock's side and helped her up. "Yes I need you to deliver this
to Trakand Manor. There is no rush to do it tonight as I know it is
late but please do it first thing in the morning." Without a word
the messenger bowed and vanished with the letter. The servant aided
Anastacia to the bed.


Blogger Claudia Carranza said...

From: Catrysa Trakand
Date: Sun Sep 26, 2004 1:03 pm
Subject: Re: [housetrakand] Penned

A few days later, Anastacia's messenger arrives in the
sun-covered grasslands of Trakand Manor. The letter is
past from hands to hands while the messenger is given
food and drink and a place to rest. Finally, into the
hands of the Lady the letter goes, to be read and
replied to.

Still sitting at her work desk, the desk she hasn't
been able to get up and out of for the past several
hours, Catrysa clears away some space to compose her

"Dear Baroness,

How wonderful it is to hear you are well and once more
amond the living! Truth be told, I could not have
been more worried and concerned for you, though my
current station leaves me little time to act on my
worries. I have seen your husband a few times, but
had not been able to approach him at about your
well-being. Truely, a letter penned by your hand is
far better than any word from another.

Yes, Keject Darum is family, as is Cairun. My heart is
made light, knowing they extend their arms and hearts
to you. Laughter is, indeed, the best of medicine.

I had not heard of Kelsar's knighting, myself, though
I must admit, I fear I am behind on my reports. I
would beg of you, when you have the strength and time,
to recount to me the happenings of said event. I had
the good fortune of knowing Kelsar, having met him as
squire to Sharjinka during my own stay in Drandmir.

Catry pauses here, reading over what she had written
as she redips her quill. Lower lip is brought between
her teeth, and held by a gentle pressure as she thinks
to herself.

From the open balcony doors, she could hear the sounds
of her husband and uncle's voices.

"If we use that unit and move it around that group of
trees it'll serve as a room block," Dalan's voice

"Good idea," answered Aran. "And then the Archers have
a clear line of sight to the Infantry."

"There's five left?"

"Yeah, but we've got a fresh battallion on the other
side of the river."

She couldn't help be chuckle at their war games, and
back to her letter she went, the tip of her quill
scratchy softly.

"My Lord and Husband bids you greetings as well, and
is likewise happy to hear of your recovery. As
always, our home is your husband's home, and you are
ever welcomed here. Do know that your recovery is in
my thoughts, and I hope it is a speedy one.

With love,
Catrysa Trakand

Finishing her signed name with a bit of a flourish,
Catrysa is hard-pressed to keep from adding land and
title to the end of it. 'This isn't an official
document,' she reminds herself as she reaches for her
personal seal, rather than the kingdom one. Closing
the letter, she hands it off to her aide.

"Get this to Lightlock's messenger, and do let him
know that he is welcome to stay until he is fully

The aide nods and turns to head out, as Catrysa
reaches for the the top document on the pile she had
so recently pushed aside.

"To the Monarchy, A Comment About the State of Magic
and Magical Artifacts Within Our Grand Kingdom, A
Treatse," Catrysa half-mumbled the title to herself,
noticing. "Page one of... two-hundred..." She groans
and closes her eyes while a hand comes up to rub at
her temple. Arts and Sciences... Somedays, reading
through expense reports was more entertaining.

5:38 PM  

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